Our next stop was Bear Country U.S.A., this really cool drive-through wildlife park.

This buffalo was a bit more laid back than the one we saw at the state park.

North American Elk just hanging out in the shade.

This Arctic Wolf was obviously very used to all the visitors. He was having a little nap right along the edge of the road.

Rocky Mountain Goat

Apparently just staying in your car with the windows up isn't enough protection from the Mountain Lions!

The park had many, many North American Black Bears. This one was having a little dip in the pond.

There were several caves like this all in a row where the bears were sleeping... sort of a bear hotel!

Bear hug! These two were actually having quite an extended wrestling match.

Despite the beautiful color, this one is also technically a Black Bear.

Out for a stroll.







The bear cubs were all hanging out in this tree. It was absolutely adorable to watch. I couldn't believe none of them fell out!